Well, weren’t we lucky with the weather on Sunday for our families day at Carn Euny?! By some miracle (the weather forecast was showing heavy rain all day!) we stayed dry all day and even had some spells on glorious sunshine!
We had a brilliant day, with a steady stream of families coming to explore the mystical Iron Age village. Using a story of an Iron Age boy, and special map, families navigated the activities and learnt about the sites past…
“This village was built high up here so that we could see our enemies approaching. To get a better viewpoint we would go up to the hill fort. Claim your family’s stake in Carn Euny and warn away any enemies, by making a family flag. Decide what emblem you want for your family and use natural dyes to illustrate the flag.”
Families created some brilliant family flags made to ward away enemy tribes.
“Water was really important to us for drinking, cooking, farming and washing. To help celebrate the well and thank it for the life it brings, we would make special tokens to decorate it, and sing and make beautiful music. Use these natural materials to make something special and take it to the well.”
A selection of weird and wonderful natural tokens were created and processed (with music and song) to adorn the natural well.
To collect and carry their wares, families worked with local woodsman Greg Humphries to make Iron Age backpacks. Constructed from 3 sticks, some rope and a hoodie or backpack, this technique was discovered to have been used as far back as the Stone Age.
Other activities included guessing what the fogou was used for (it’s amazing how varied these guesses are!) and role-play in one of the courtyard houses.
On display was our Carn Euny suitcase, which has been travelling around local primary schools with us, and contains postcards and memory badges created by the children, as well as photographs and DVD’s of their visits.
Here are some photos of the day-
Thank you to all the lovely families who came to play, and for all the positive feedback you gave…
This day was part of the ‘Landmark Travels- Our past in a suitcase’ project which is in partnership with the Institute of Cornish Studies and Cornwall Heritage Trust and is funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund and Cornwall Heritage Trust.
Carn Euny can be a miracle place!
I had a wonderful day and was very impressed with the activities and the way the day was run.
Please can I have permission to use one or more of the pictures of me trying to create sprang with string, sticks and my boots? I would like to add them to my project page on Ravelry and possibly also to my blog. I would include links to this website and give credit to the photographer (although I would need you to supply her name as I do not know it).
Thanks again for a wonderful day.
Hello! Thank you for your comments on the day- we had great fun too! Yes please do use the pictures on your blog and website. If you just credit Storylines for the photos that would be great. Would love to see you blog too if you wish to share a link on here?