Picnic in Praze- come celebrate with us!

Posted on: 15th June 2016 No Comments
Sharing memories of celebrations

Sharing memories of celebrations

Stories of celebrations were on everyone’s lips last week for the ‘Linking Lifetimes’ project. Children and adults shared their memories of past celebrations before mapping out their own celebration to mark the end of this part of the project. Everyone was bursting with ideas for the event, which will be a community picnic, complete with food, music, displays, games and even more story-sharing.

Over this session old cloth napkins were transformed into colourful bunting with images that celebrate the village. This will be hung at the picnic, which will take place next Wednesday on the Plan, in the centre of Praze. The Plan has been the meeting point in Praze for as long back as people can remember, so it feels like a fitting place to hold the picnic.

Everyone is welcome to this event, so please spread the word. If the weather is wet or very windy, we will be holding the picnic in the village Institute, so rain or shine, come celebrate with us.


The ‘Linking Lifetimes’ has been working in Praze over the past year, with thanks to funding from the Big Lottery.

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