A chance to record your stories/poems for ‘Tallys an Tir’

Posted on: 23rd May 2013 No Comments

We have decided to hold a day for audio recordings on Monday 3rd June at Tremough Campus in Penryn and are welcoming anyone with short stories/poems that they would like to record, to get in touch.

There are some great storytellers and poets in Cornwall and a few people have expressed to us that they would like to record and own an audio version of their written material. This is therefore a good opportunity for anyone to do this, as well as a chance to contribute to the ‘Tallys an Tir’ project. Once recorded stories/poems will be put on CD for you to use as you wish, as well as archived and used as part of ‘Tallys an Tir.’ We may also choose to illustrate some audio recordings by creating digital stories (as seen on this blog).

We are particularly interested in stories/poems that consider past life in Cornwall and are themed around ‘the Land’. We are however pretty open to ideas, so if you have something that you would like to record, then please do get in touch!

There are limited spaces for this day and people will be booked in at set times over the day. If you want to find out more and would like to be involved, then please contact Sarah on sarah.chapman@exeter.ac.uk, 01326 569485 or 07767382552.

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