There’s something wonderful about Cornish dialect… And speaking to Cornish farmers has revealed a whole range of interesting words and phrases. Of course these can vary hugely depending on where you are in Cornwall.
I am currently making a short film with some of these in… but until then here is some local dialect for birds and animals as well as a few adjectives. These were kindly provided by John Benallick from St.Wenn (more to follow!)… Please feel free to message me with more words and phrases.
Curley: Curlew
Graybird: Thrush
Wynnard: Redwing
Horniwink: Lapwing
Ykymuke: Blue tit
Dishwasher: Wagtail
Jan Jakes: A snail
Applebee: A wasp
Want: A mole
4 legged emmet: Lizard
Sowpig: Woodlouse
(Grandma sows further west)
To clunk: To swallow
Coose: To chase
Licking: A beating
Suant: To spread or sow seeds etc
Scrow: To scratch or a scratch
Grizzle: To snigger. Grinning.
Slock: To encourage or coax
Barling: To be noisy
Glaze: To stare or give fiery look