‘Tattoo Tales’ recorded and shared the stories behind peoples tattoos through digital storytelling and photography. The community engagement project was run in partnership with the National Maritime Museum Cornwall, as part of the Collections Stories project with National Maritime Museum. The project worked with a wide range of groups to document their tattoo stories. These include members of the Royal British Legion social club, students, veterans and people from the local area.
Peoples stories were captured through audio recordings and photographs, including those by photographer Rosie Kliskey. These recordings were then edited and linked with photographs to create a series of digital stories. These were featured in the ‘Tattoo- British Tattoo Art Revealed’ exhibition at the National Maritime Museum Cornwall over 2017/2018.
The Collections Stories project is a national partnership project, led by the National Maritime Museum, to develop a shared understanding of audiences around the UK and their connection to maritime history. Collections Stories is part of the National Maritime Museum’s Endeavour Galleries project. The activities are made possible through an award of £4.9m from the Heritage Lottery Fund.