What’s in that pocket? Intergenerational Exchange Books

Posted on: 11th November 2020 No Comments

During this challenging time we have been very blessed to have had continuous collaboration with Penlee Family Project in Pool who have asked us to further contribute to their Library of Us project. This time we made very different books and POCKETS was the name of the game! Everyone loves delving into a pocket to find out what’s inside and these pockets came in all shapes and sizes and colours and textures. The one thing they had in common though was that they would contain very special messages and pictures between people of different ages. Once COVID allows for it, the Penlee Family Project is hoping that these books will form an exchange pathway between older members of the community in local care homes and local school children. Hopefully these will build some very special lasting relationships.

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Cloth pocket story exchange book

There were 2 types of pocket books. 2 made from card, paper and collage and 2 made entirely from cloth. Sarah scrabbled through her extensive archive of recycled decorative papers to collage upcycled children’s board books and create beautiful monthly pocket pages complete with vibrant envelopes. Storylines is proud of its use of recycled materials and using what we have available, so this was the perfect solution. Ali on the other hand was toiling behind her trusty workhorse sewing machine, delving into her extensive stash of fabrics to choose the right cloth for the perfect monthly seasonal pockets. We hope these stunning books will inspire their users to fill the pockets with precious keepsakes.

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