Artwork, processions, singing and costumes at Lafrowda Day

Posted on: 23rd July 2013 No Comments


This Saturday was the colourful Lafrowda Day in St.Just, where we had some of the projects work exhibited in St.Just School hall.

On the left (above) is a beautiful light box made with year 3 children from St.Just School. This installation was inspired by a series of digital stories made with farmers from around Cornwall. After exploring past, present and future farming through stories, the children created silhouettes to represent each era. Digging down through the layers, there is images of future farming (top), present farming (middle) and past farming (bottom). On top of the grass are the whole of Class 3. There are also a selection of postcards that the children sent to farmers, either past, present or future.

On the right (above) was the field map we created with Pendeen School. This uses an areal view of fields in Pendeen and was inspired by a digital story by local farmer Arthur Mathews. Inspired by Arthur’s field names each child in the School then decorated and named their own field, adding it to this colourful map.

Although I missed the afternoon procession (as we were at Penzance Literary Festival- busy busy) here are some photographs of the morning at Lafrowda-

1 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 lightbox

What a brilliant day with such great community spirit.

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