Hoping for sun for the Royal Cornwall Show

Posted on: 3rd June 2013 No Comments


poster-RCShowNot long now until this years Royal Cornwall Show and if the weather stays like this we will be great! This year we are sharing a stand with the Cornwall Records Office and the Cornwall Centre. Between us we will have on display a range of agricultural photographs from the archives, as well as a selection of short films made working with farmers around Cornwall.

We will be in the Cornish Heritage Marquee in the Countryside area, and welcome people to come and have a chat. The Cornwall Records Office are holding a caption competition  and we will also be asking people if they use the terms ‘crib’ or ‘croust,’ documenting this on a map of Cornwall to see where each term is used.

fftroyalcornwallshow1We had a great time at the Show a couple of years ago, based in the Cornwall Young Farmers Tent and are looking forward to coming back!

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