Story Explorers on the loose- Story collection boxes pop up in Praze

Posted on: 23rd October 2015 No Comments

As the ‘Linking Lifetimes’ project continues, children from Crenver class (year 5&6) at Crowan Primary School have been exploring different ways of collecting and sharing stories. In our last workshop we wrote the following press release as a class, and delivered some very special story- collection boxes around the community…

Story Explorers need you stories

Roxxi and Marnie delivering one of the story-collection boxes

Roxxi and Marnie delivering one of the story-collection boxes

Children from Crenver class (year 5&6) at Crowan Primary School have embarked on an exciting new story-exchange project in Praze-an-Beeble. Thanks to a grant from the Big Lottery fund, the ‘Linking Lifetimes’ project, led by Storylines, will be working in the community over the next year.

The children, who have become Story Explorers, have already begun collecting stories from people they know. Alex, a year 6 pupil, explains “We have been exploring ways that we can tell and receive stories and have been busy collecting stories from friends and family that we are putting on an age timeline in our classroom.” Another pupil Ella notes, “I have really enjoyed collecting stories and have found out lots about my family history.”

The story collection box at Praze Surgery. From left to right- a representative from Praze Surgery, Sarah from Storylines, Logan, Marnie, Roxxi, Max, Jackie Spoors- class teacher of Crenver class and Ali from Storylines. Credit- Taken by year 6 pupil Daisy

The story collection box at Praze Surgery. From left to right- a representative from Praze Surgery, Sarah from Storylines, Logan, Marnie, Roxxi, Max, Jackie Spoors- class teacher of Crenver class and Ali from Storylines.
Credit- Taken by year 6 pupil Daisy

The children are now widening their search for stories and have created a number of colourful post-boxes that they hope will encourage adults from the village to share their stories. The first box was delivered to Praze Surgery, where it now sits in the waiting room, and other boxes are making their way into the community. Roxxi, a year 5 pupil says, “I’m really enjoying this project. It is very fun and exciting. We hope that putting the boxes around the village might involve a lot more people in the project.” Another pupil Zoe adds “We would love for you to put your stories in our boxes. Please help us with our project.”

Alongside the work with Crowan Primary School, the ‘Linking Lifetimes’ project is also working with adults in the community, and is holding regular meetings at Praze Institute. Memories are being recorded and shared with the children via the Storylines team, and adults will later be invited into the school to continue this exchange. This includes the production of a series of digital stories (short films that link first hand stories with images) helping to make peoples memories accessible to everyone. The next meeting will be at Praze Institute on Wednesday 4th November 1-4pm, and is open to everyone regardless of how long they have lived in the area.

Another story-collection box which is currently at Crowan Church

Another story-collection box which is currently at Crowan Church


The ‘Linking Lifetimes’ project is kindly funded by the Big Lottery Fund.

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